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K-Arts 2022 entrance ceremony live streamed online and simultaneously held on Metaverse

  • 2023.11.28


Commencement ceremony footage will be shown in the Metaverse,

Metaverse space screen will be broadcast live on YouTube!

- K-Arts 2022 entrance ceremony, "Life, Art, and Us," will be held on February 25 (Fri) at 11 a.m.

- Admitted 549 students in Bachelor of Arts program, 310 students in Master of Fine Arts program, and 16 AMA+ scholars for a total of 875 students.

- Focused attention on YouTube live streaming and metaverse (SKT ifland) connection of the entrance ceremony site

- President answered questions from new students and held a photo event with new students' friends



Korea National University of Arts (President Daejin Kim) will hold the '2022 Admission Ceremony-Online with Metaverse' at 11 a.m. on Friday, February 25, connecting the YouTube live stream and Metaverse space.


This year's commencement ceremony, themed "Life, Art, and Us," will feature a YouTube livestream in the Metaverse space, and a livestream of the Metaverse space on YouTube.


Korea National University of Arts, a leader in metaverse in Korea, is expected to show the future of the art school, which is exploring a new world of art based on the spirit of challenge and experimentation, through various events utilizing metaverse technology at this entrance ceremony.

* K-Arts TV, the official YouTube channel of Korea National University of Arts: https://www.youtube.com/kartstv

- Live streaming link of the 2022 entrance ceremony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llvypT_yU98&feature=youtu.be


On this day, a total of 875 students will be enrolled in the 2022 entrance ceremony, including 549 students in the Bachelor of Arts program, 310 students in the Master of Fine Arts program, and 16 AMA+ (Asian Outstanding Artistic Talent) scholars. The seven best entrants (Hyunji Bae, School of Music; Saebin Hwang, School of Drama; Gayeon Jung, School of Film, TV & Multimedia; Dana Kim, School of Dance; Soohyun Lee, School of Visual Arts; Jiyeon Kim, School of Korean Traditional Arts; and AMA+ scholar Zhang Qiao, School of Korean Traditional Arts) will receive the President's Prize.


As a congratulatory performance for the new students, two congratulatory songs, "Seosi" and "Flower," were performed by Mil-a Jeong, a graduate of the Department of Fine Arts, School of Visual Art. She won three Korean Popular Music Awards in 2021, and is a singer who sings about everyday life like a fine art painting, and like the lyrics of Seosi's song, "I will follow where my heart beats," she hopes that the new students will follow where their heart beats as artists and move forward energetically without stopping.


In particular, the entrance ceremony will be broadcast live on YouTube, as well as offline events held at the Arts Theater on the Seokgwan Campus, on an electronic board in the Metaverse space (SKT ifland). A large monitor installed in the Arts Theater will also broadcast the real-time status of the Metaverse. The entrance ceremony Metaverse space will be operated in the same form as 'Central Park' with a total of six rooms, one for each circle. The maximum capacity of each room is 31 avatars and 100 voices. A virtual camera is operated in one representative room.


This metaverse space allows for things that are not currently possible offline. New students can talk to the president's avatar, and users in the metaverse can interact with each other and make friends. After the commencement ceremony, the avatars can gather for a group photo. After taking a photo with your friends, you can participate in a gift giveaway. Users who take a screenshot with five friends in the metaverse space and send it to the K-Arts AT Lab (pyoism@karts.ac.kr) will be selected at random to receive a gift.

In his welcome speech, President Daejin Kim said to the new students, "I welcome you to enter K-Arts at a time when K-Arts is attempting to take a second leap forward on the 30th anniversary of its opening." "With the goal of creating an 'art school that does art properly,' I hope that you will go beyond your respective fields within the boundaries of K-Arts and build the world of art in the future through active artistic exchanges with other institutions, and the school will continue to encourage your dreams and passions and provide you with a solid foundation."