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K-ARTS X KAIST 2025 Freshmen AI Video Camp Successful End

  • 2024.11.11


K-ARTS x KAIST First step to cultivate future talent, 

2025 Freshmen AI Video Camp Successful End

- the efforts of the two schools for convergence exchanges between culture and arts and cutting -edge technologies.

- Held the freshmen AI video camp after 22-24 years after the 22 year mutual exchange agreement

<The students who have completed the AI ​​Video Camp for freshmen-KAIST for freshmen at K-ARTS Seokgwan Campus>

The Korea National University of Arts (President Dae-jin Kim, K-ARTS) has successfully held the 2025 KAIST freshmen AI video camp with KAIST (President Lee Kwang-hyung) for eight days from February 5 to 12.


This camp is the fourth time based on the mutual exchange agreement of both schools and research and research, and a total of 29 new students in 2025 students participated.

This camp deals with the trend of the rapidly developing AI technology, dealing with the video and AI content convergence process, and conducted a workshop that produces short films using live -action short films and generated AI based on the theories and practice lectures composed of 7 nights and 8 days.

Through this, It was able to develop a creative idea of ​​fusion art in the process of enhancing the understanding of art creation using artificial intelligence technology and creating real works.



                                                                           <2025 Han Ye-jong-KAIST Freshmen AI Video Camp 'held at the Han Yejong Sukgwan Campus Film Institute>


In particular, this camp is not just delivering theoretical knowledge, but also focuses on learning how to use the skills and tools necessary to produce real works. In addition, by providing students in other fields of art and science, they work together to provide opportunities to share and communicate with each other's perspectives.

Kang Gi -wan, a student of KAIST, said, “In the team, students from various majors have exerted their own personality and gathered different opinions. It was time to expand the worldview through this experience.

In addition, Kim Chan said, “I made two films in this camp and felt that creation needed a number of perspectives, and it was important to gather that perspective into one. In addition, as AI technology is incorporated into various industries, I have participated in this camp because I should learn AI, and I was happy to listen to good lectures and produce AI movies. ”

Lee Seung -moo, director of this video camp, said, “It was a time when the talented people in the arts and science were discovering the similarities and differences of each other in the process of creating a common goal of art and science, and explored the importance of collaboration that AI could never replace. I will try to make this program a milestone of convergence education through the last three years of experience and consultation with both schools. ”

Lee Seung -moo, director of this video camp, said, “It was a time when the talented people in the arts and science were discovering the similarities and differences of each other in the process of creating a common goal of art and science, and explored the importance of collaboration that AI could never replace. I will try to make this program a milestone of convergence education through the last three years of experience and consultation with both schools.”

On the other hand, this school has held a freshman video camp with KAIST since 2022, and will continue to lay the foundation for young talents who will lead the cultural arts and science and technology sectors in Korea.